
vehicle history searches - a law enforcement officer in the background at a car, with a patrol car feature in the front

Vehicle History Searches – Improving Efficiency with RMS Software

Store tactical maps in your RMS and keep your community and officers safer.

Tactical Maps – Police RMS Software for Proactive Policing

Case management software for prosecutors has a variety of features and capabilities that can benefit the everyday operations of prosecutors and their teams.

Case Management Software for Prosecutors – The Current Technology Landscape

CivicCase for Court | Fast Facts

Create RMS warrants or eWarrants directly in your records management system for law enforcement with CivicRMS.

RMS Warrants: Best Practices in Creating eWarrants

DEMS technology can help prosecutors and law enforcement improve how they manage sensitive FIGG materials.

FIGG (Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy): How DEMS Supports Law Enforcement and Prosecutors

eDiscovery software can help prosecutors overcome common challenges like digital evidence overload with tools that centralize and organize data.

eDiscovery Software: How Prosecutors Can Mitigate Digital Evidence Overload

Prosecutor case management system software can support clerks and office administrators in applications for attorney grant funding.

Attorney Grant Funding and Administrative Efficiency with Case Management Tech

Check out this free eGuide to learn about the technology by CivicEye for law enforcement, such as CivicRMS.

eGuide – Your Introduction to CivicEye for Law Enforcement

Explore the software and support by CivicEye for Prosecutors.

eGuide – Your Introduction to CivicEye for Prosecutors

Download the free guide to better understand case management pricing for software for prosecutors.

Case Management Pricing Guide for Prosecutors

RMS Pricing Guide for Law Enforcement

Records management system (RMS) technology paired with best practices can help law enforcement in Use of Force reporting.

Use of Force Reporting: How to Improve Records of Use of Force

Technology like case management software and digital evidence management software for prosecutors can help prosecuting attorneys maintain Giglio/Brady compliance.

Navigating the Complexities of Giglio/Brady Compliance: A Technology-Supported Approach for Prosecutors

Software like digital evidence management systems, case management systems, and records management systems (RMS) can help agencies improve law enforcement retention and prosecutor retention.

Leveraging Technology to Improve Law Enforcement Retention and Prosecution Retention

Flexible software can help software users avoid some of the potential challenges of workflow-based software structures.

Why ‘Workflow’ Isn’t Everything: The Benefits of Flexible Software

Picayune, MS PD has been using CivicRMS to access data analytics that are empowering their community engagement and tactical operations.

Data Analytics for Community Engagement and Tactical Operations – Case Study

Master Index Technology can help law enforcement agencies create a unified data ecosystem.

Master Index Technology: How To Create a Unified Data Ecosystem for LEAs

Software like prosecutor case management systems can help prosecution teams increase case intake efficiency.

Case Intake: How Case Management Software Can Help Increase Efficiency

21st Century Policing Task Force: Data Collection and Transparency Webinar

Quality police reports can help officers save time in the long run and improve trial preparation, and therefore, case outcomes.

Quality Police Reports: How to Improve Your Agency’s Reporting

One Case, Multiple Co-Defendants: The Future of Digital Evidence Technology

user-centric case management design can be extremely beneficial for prosecution offices.

User-Centric Case Management Design: Improving User Experience for Prosecutors

Prosecutor case management technology can help offices with attorney grant funding applications through centralized data and analytic tools.

RMS Analytics: Insights at Your Fingertips

Metadata is a necessary component in any digital evidence module.

The Power of Metadata: How It Aids in Digital Evidence Corroboration

Prosecutor Case Management Purchasing Guide

Case Management System Purchasing Guide

Actionable Data: Enhanced Prosecution with Case Management Systems

RMS Police Software

RMS Police Software: Navigating the Current Technology Landscape

Tech to support Arkansas prosecuting attorneys

Reducing Backlog: Tech to Support Arkansas Prosecuting Attorneys

Prosecution outcomes are impacted by NIBRS language

NIBRS Data: How It Impacts Prosecution Outcomes

Data integrity is vital in any courtroom case.

Data Collection and Transparency: How to Leverage Your RMS

victim advocate access, case management system for prosecutors

Prioritizing Victim Rights: Technology for Prosecutors

Law enforcement agencies can improve data collection practices with an advanced RMS

Why API Technology: The Power of Integrated Public Safety Software

Records Management System Purchasing Guide

Crime Nexus Creation: How Technology Can Empower Investigation

RMS police software can improve vehicle searches and vehicle database access.

RMS Scalability: What it Means, and Why It Matters

Integrated, all-in-one platform for prosecutors

Manage Evidence, Close Cases: How Integrated Platforms Can Better Serve Prosecutors

Criminal justice agencies can improve law enforcement retention and prosecutor retention with the support of software.

Prosecutors Don’t Have Enough Digital Storage Space. Here’s Why It Matters.

DEMS platforms can help prosecutors comply with the Michael Morton Act and ensure proper discovery processes.

The Michael Morton Act: Texas Discovery Laws and How DEMS Can Help

eDiscovery defense teams

eDiscovery for Prosecutors and Defense Teams: How CivicDocs Enhances the Discovery Process

CivicEye serves public safety officials across the full spectrum of the criminal justice system.

A Full Spectrum Solution: CivicEye Across the Criminal Justice System

Government Technology Purchasing: RFPs, RFQs, RFIs, Informal Purchasing—What's What?

Government Technology Purchasing: Formal and Informal Processes

Paperless environments can revolutionize how prosecutors work in their day-to-day.

Paperless Environments for Prosecutors: How It Works

Prosecutors and law enforcement officials alike can benefit from the streamlined systems of eDiscovery.

eDiscovery: Challenges, Benefits, and How CivicDocs Can Help

CivicRMS can help law enforcement officials streamline NIBRS reporting.

NIBRS Reporting: A Brief History and How CivicRMS Can Help 

NIBRS can impact how prosecution teams approach cases.

Data-Driven Prosecution: Why It Matters & How to Implement It

Law enforcement agencies and prosecutors can facilitate interagency cooperation through the implementation of a Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS).

Interagency Cooperation: Digital Evidence Management Systems for Prosecutors & Law Enforcement

An updated RMS Police software can help law enforcement share multi-jurisdictional data.

Multi-Jurisdictional Data: Why It Matters, and How It’s Possible with CivicRMS

Arkansas Prosecuting Attorneys can leverage technology to mitigate challenges and frustrations in their everyday roles.

Crime Analysts Need Access to an Updated RMS: Here’s Why

prosecutors can collaborate with actionable data to better solve cases

Data Dashboards for Prosecutors: How PCMS Can Help

Law enforcement technology is impacting how officers operate in their day-to-day.

Technology in Law Enforcement: The Impact of New Tech

Cloud computing can revolutionize the way that law enforcement agencies share data across jurisdictions.

Cloud Computing is Making LEAs More Effective: Here’s How

6 Things to Consider When Implementing CompSTAT

CivicEye’s Solution for Prosecutors | Fast Facts

Victim Services Tools – CivicCase for Prosecutors | Fast Facts

CAD and JMS Integration with CivicRMS | Fast Facts

Adopting New Software | Fast Facts

benefits of technology in the courtroom

Technological Frustrations and How to Mitigate Them: An Overview of Courtroom Technology

Reporting and Case Analytics for Prosecutors – CivicCase for Prosecutors | Fast Facts

CivicCase for Prosecutors | Fast Facts

The Full Spectrum Solution with CivicEye | Fast Facts

Group/Collective Software Purchasing | Fast Facts

Client Success at CivicEye | Fast Facts

Procurement Processes for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors | Fast Facts

Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Police Records Management (RMS): The Importance of Integration

human trafficking awareness month 2023

Human Trafficking: Why Updated Tech Matters

Audit Logs – CivicDocs | Fast Facts

Clery Reporting – CivicRMS | Fast Facts

Tactical Tools in CivicRMS | Fast Facts

Data-Sharing Between Prosecution and Law Enforcement | Fast Facts

Generate Judgment Forms – CivicCase for Prosecutors | Fast Fact Sheets

Data Conversion with CivicEye | Fast Facts

Blog on prosecutor case management systems (PCMS)

PCMS (Prosecution Case Management System): The Necessity of Digital Prosecution Tools

CivicEye's Wes Blanton works alongside Sparta Police Department and White County Sheriff's Department.

Leadership View: Serving Those Who Serve Us – The Heart of CivicEye’s Client Success

The photo is a collage of the five members of the CivicEye engineering team. There is a sonar graphic in the background that is orange and magenta. Text reads #CSEdWeek 2022.

Computer Science Education Week 2022

Why It’s Time for Evidence Documentation Methods to Receive an Update

Native American Heritage Day 2022

Leadership View: Public Grants Provide Relief For Overtaxed Agency Budgets

women in technology and law enforcement

Leadership View: Women Make a Difference in Law Enforcement and Technology

5 Ways Technology is Solving Today’s Public Safety Challenges

Leadership View: Prosecution Principles: A Run-Down of the Best Software for DAs

Leadership View: Doing More – and Better – With Less

Leadership View: Budgeting Season; Making Every Dollar Count

4 Features to Look for when Shopping for Police Technology

Leadership View: Why is Technology Becoming Crucial in Law Enforcement?

3 Tips for Onboarding New Police Officers

3 Things to Consider when Outfitting Squad Cars

Leadership View: New Perspectives Shine Throughout Public Safety Conferences

How to Boost Morale in your Agency

The Most Overlooked Feature in a Police Car

Best practices can impact Use of Force reporting and support officers in generating quality reports.

CivicRMS Module Feature: eTicketing

5 Reasons to Combine CAD with a Quality RMS

A Winning Case for Prosecution and Cloud Security

Why Cloud-Software is the Best Choice

Has Law Enforcement Training Changed?

Image of several police cars from the surrounding Highland Park area

Lessons from Highland Park Police About Collaboration and Data Sharing

Tradeshow Spotlight: National Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference

Aerial view of city with pin marker graphics denoting public safety software locations

Solve Crime and Win Cases with a Modern RMS

Police hat in cruiser by back window

Can Retired Law Enforcement Make a Difference?

An image of a green ribbon which represents mental health awareness

3 Tools to Support the Mental Health of your Officers

Creative asset showing analytics graphs floating above a hand

How NIBRS Compliance Leads to Better Reporting

Head of Growth and Client Success at the CivicEye booth

A Look at NFCA Annual Training

mental health

3 Reasons to Prioritize Mental Health for Law Enforcement

technology training asset showing a honeycomb with tech icons in it

Why Technology Training Matters

Dirt road through desert with mountains and sunset in the background

Four Ways Modern RMS Can Make a Difference in Tribal Communities

An RMS made for cops by a cop with Police1

Dirt road through desert with mountains and sunset in the background

LEEP: Law Enforcement Empowerment Program

mobile technology in police

Three Ways Mobile Technology Advances Police Departments

CivicRMS software showing an incident map - streamline

How RMS Impacts Real-World Policing

A man taking notes by his laptop during a field interview

CivicRMS Module Feature: Field Interview

closeup of a police shield on a white background

What is CompStat? Strategic Planning in Policing

See what CivicEye can do for your organization.
